We don’t just do Industrial Construction
Accuwright’s commercial construction operations are capable of erecting large scale multi-phase projects. We excel on challenging one offs like the modern shown here. This home is built on a steel structure that had to assembled as the structure was erected. Accuwright fabricated and delivered all structural members. The field construction crew erected and welded or bolted in place. There was a lot of advanced planning involved. Rigging in Georgia’s largest city always has its challenges. What you cant see is the fact that the site was on the end of a very narrow street. Further it was down in a hole! No crane could get to it.

Auburn Crane Service
Slab grading
AccuwrightRigging in Georgia
Our commercial construction teams get to do a lot of rigging in Georgia. From our shop in Newnan we can quickly access most of this state and Alabama. Accuwright Mechanical has rigging trailers outfitted with everything we will need on site. Commercial construction moves fast. We are ready when you call. Our certified welders keep you compliant with local codes and keep quality high.